Our day services run from 9.30 am to 3.30 pm. We provide pick and drop from home in our mini busses. The refreshments and all the out door activity charges are included in the day charges.
Our service users take part in various leisure activities. We organise a variety of activities including trips to the park, bowling, seaside, theatre, boating, football and more. We also have indoor activities and games.
We provide short break services for disabled children. Most of our service users are young people who have been using our services for many years. They are familiar with our staff and premises and will enjoy a smooth transition into the adult services we provide.
For new service users, we carry out an assessment of their needs and learning abilities for the first two weeks.
All service users will then have individual learning plan tailored to their specific requirements. All service users take part in self hygiene and independent living skills and activities.
We work closely with disabled young people's families and carers.